Our Products

Our Products

A Wide Range

The foundation stones for our success are honesty, love and loyalty.

At Deccan, we have a strong commitment to maintaining the standards that make us the #1 premium non-basmati rice brand.

Each of our products meet stringent quality tests at every stage – growing and harvesting, milling and sorting, and packaging and exporting. With great care and love, we ensure that only the best grains grace your palate. Every Deccan product comes with this promise of 100% purity and 100% trust – a matter of great pride and privilege for us.

Deccan Sona Masoori Rice

Impart a golden touch to your meals with Sona Masoori rice – the Golden Ivy. Sourced directly from the paddy fields of Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh, this light weight and aromatic rice variety is sure to titillate your taste buds!

Deccan Delight Sona Masoori Rice

Traditionally known as golden ivy, this rice is a light grain, gluten free and low in fat. It makes for healthy and flavourful meals.

Deccan Low GI Rice

Undoubtedly one of the best products ever to come in a rice bag, Low GI rice is all about total healthcare for your family. Great taste and texture combine with a Glycemic Index of below 55, to help your family with weight management, blood sugar and diabetes*. Boost your health without changing our diet!
*based on research by the American Diabetes Association

Deccan Brown Rice

Wholesome nutrition is the watchword when you pick up a bag of Deccan’s Brown Rice. Packed with the goodness of vitamin B and minerals like Iron and Magnesium, this mildly earthy-flavoured cereal
will take you a long way on your quest for a healthy diet!

Choice Sona Masoori Rice

Enjoy the taste and feel of authentic Sona Masoori that is packed with the utmost
love and care. Always a great choice for a fulfilling meal with your near and dears!

Deccan Ponni Boiled Rice

Science meets taste in this eclectic mixture of two of the best known rice strains. Sourced from select regions of Tamil Nadu, our rice undergoes a little over 15 months of natural aging before any processing takes place. The non-sticky free flowing texture of aged rice combines beautifully with the fragrant,fine and tasteful Ponni – a harmonious blend that will always keep you craving for more!

Deccan Ponni Raw Rice

The best requisite for dishes like idli and dosa. Indian dishes have always evoked much interest and fascination in culinary circles of the world and rice is the nonpareil mainstay of every spread.

Deccan Idli Rice

Equip yourself to make those Idlis fluffier and more opulent than ever before! Our Kranti
variety Idli rice is guaranteed to leave you finger-licking and nostalgic.

Deccan Kerala Kuthari Matta Rice

An unique variety of parboiled rice with an earthy favour, the Rosematta will captivate all your senses. Whether as an ingredient for delightful snacks like murukku, or as an accompaniment for game meat, its versatility makes it a must in every kitchen.

Jeera Sambhar Rice

Short grain, Aromatic, Karnataka grown, also known as Seeraga Samba.

Other Deccan Prodcuts

While rice forms much of what is Deccan, it is not our only offering for the gourmet or the food lover.

Deccan Lentils (all varieties) – Fashion a nutritious and protein rich meal for your entire family using the diverse range of lentils on offer. Combine our superior quality rice with a serving of lentils, and enjoy the taste of this heavenly confluence!

Deccan Taaza Chai – Seize the day! Wake up to a steaming cup of Deccan Taaza every morning! Striking a delicate balance between flavour and aroma, this brew is sure to zest up your life.